Paranoid in spanish translation
Paranoid in spanish translation

paranoid in spanish translation paranoid in spanish translation

“What happened?” she said, and heard her own voice on the edge of tears. The woman heard only two sharp blasts, like two firecrackers somewhere in the darkness, and ran to find her husband. The husband thought in a flash that if he spoke the man might attack him, so without another thought, he took aim and shot him twice in the back. He waited and then, when he thought the moment was right, crept softly toward the kitchen, where he made out a man with his back to him about four meters away, opening drawers and stuffing whatever he found into a sack. From the door of their bedroom the husband signaled to his wife to stay hidden. Neither of them had turned on a light and both moved with utmost silence. He put on his slippers, and then heard more clearly: there was someone in the back part of the house, probably in the kitchen. While the woman quickly tiptoed to the children’s room the man got the pistol out of the closet, checked to make sure it was loaded and ready to fire. Go check on the kids, while I get my pistol,” he ordered in a hushed voice and woke up entirely. There’s someone on the roof, or in the kitchen,” she said fearfully. “It sounds like it’s coming from the yard. “What noise?” her husband asked sleepily. “Did you hear that noise?” the woman whispered, leaning on one elbow in bed, and opening her eyes wide.

Paranoid in spanish translation